Expert Guide to Restaurant Floor Cleaning

Read time: 7 mins

Keeping your restaurant's floors clean isn't just about making a good impression; it's a critical part of running a successful business. 

Dirty floors can turn patrons away and pose serious health and safety risks. Despite their best efforts, restaurant owners often grapple with maintaining floor cleanliness due to heavy foot traffic, spills, and varying floor materials.

Understanding Different Floor Types and Their Cleaning Needs

Restaurants feature a variety of flooring types, and each requires specific care to maintain its appearance and safety:


Tile flooring is favored for its durability and ease of maintenance, often found in kitchens and dining areas. However, the grout lines between tiles can become a haven for dirt and grime, making them look unsightly and potentially harboring bacteria. 

To keep tile floors in top condition, regular sweeping and mopping are essential, using cleaners that are safe for tile. Grout may require special cleaning products and a brush to remove buildup. Additionally, sealing grout lines can help prevent stains and ease cleaning. 


Hardwood floors add warmth and elegance to any space, including restaurants. 

They demand a gentle touch; water and abrasive cleaners can cause damage such as warping and scratching. Regular dust mopping helps prevent debris from scratching the surface. 

When mopping, use minimal water and a cleaner specifically designed for hardwood. Immediate attention to spills prevents water damage and stains. Consider applying a protective finish to shield the wood from wear and enhance its longevity.


Carpet is less common in high-traffic or food preparation areas, but it might be used in dining areas for its aesthetic and sound-dampening qualities. 

The challenge with carpet is its ability to hide dirt and absorb spills, leading to potential stains and odors. Regular vacuuming, at least daily in busy restaurants, removes surface dirt and debris. Spot cleaning spills as soon as they happen helps prevent stains from setting. 

Professional carpet cleaning services are recommended to deep clean and sanitize carpets periodically, ensuring they remain fresh and visually appealing.


Concrete flooring is increasingly popular in modern restaurants for its industrial look and durability. It's especially common in areas with heavy foot traffic or where heavy equipment is used.

Concrete is porous and can absorb spills and stains if not properly sealed. Regular cleaning involves sweeping and mopping with a pH-neutral cleaner to avoid degrading the sealant, and periodic resealing may be necessary to maintain its resistance to stains and facilitate easier cleaning. 

For deeper stains, specialized cleaning products and techniques may be required to restore the concrete's appearance. Learn more about concrete floor care and cleaning

Contact COIT for a professional cleaning!

Daily Cleaning Checklist for Restaurant Floors

For sparkling floors every day, follow this routine:

  • Sweep thoroughly to remove debris.
  • Mop with a cleaner suitable for your floor type.
  • Address spills immediately to prevent stains and hazards.
  • Use door mats to minimize dirt from outside.

Deep Cleaning Strategies: How and When

Regular deep cleans are an investment in your restaurant's reputation and the well-being of your guests and staff.

Deep cleaning goes beyond daily maintenance, targeting built-up grime that regular cleaning can't address. Here’s how you can effectively implement deep cleaning strategies for your restaurant floors:

Grout Cleaning for Tile Floors

One of the critical areas of focus during deep cleaning should be the grout lines between tiles. Over time, these can become discolored and grimy, detracting from the overall cleanliness of your restaurant. 

Employ specialized grout cleaning products and tools, such as grout brushes, to scrub these areas thoroughly. This step can dramatically brighten your floors, making the entire space feel fresher and more inviting.

Non-Slip Treatments for Safety

Safety is paramount in a restaurant setting, where spills and wet floors are common. 

Deep cleaning sessions offer the perfect opportunity to apply non-slip treatments to flooring, especially in areas prone to moisture, such as near sinks, beverage stations, and entryways. These treatments can significantly reduce the risk of slip-and-fall accidents, ensuring a safer environment for everyone.

According to The National Floor Safety Institute, each year, more than 3 million foodservice employees and 1 million guests are injured as the result of a slip-and-fall accident. Most slips and falls that occur in the foodservice industry are directly caused by wet or otherwise dangerous floors (50 per cent). 

Timing Your Deep Cleans

Determining the right time for deep cleaning is crucial to minimize disruption to your restaurant's operations. 

Ideally, plan these intensive cleaning sessions during periods of low traffic, such as after closing or before opening. This scheduling allows for a thorough clean without interfering with your service or compromising the dining experience. 

For extensive deep cleaning tasks, consider scheduling them on days when your restaurant is closed or during seasonal lulls to ensure the work can be completed without haste.

The Role of Professional Cleaning Services

When it comes to keeping your restaurant's floors clean, enlisting the help of professional cleaning services can be a game-changer. 

While do-it-yourself (DIY) methods can keep your floors looking decent, the advantages of professional services stretch far beyond basic tidiness. Here’s an expanded view on why hiring professional cleaners could be one of the best decisions for your restaurant:

Specialized Expertise for Various Floor Types

Professional cleaning services come with a deep understanding of dealing with all types of flooring— from tile and hardwood to carpets. They know precisely how to tackle different materials without causing damage, ensuring that each gets the care it needs to look its best and last longer. 

Efficiency and Time-Saving

Time is a valuable commodity in the restaurant business. Professional cleaners are trained to work efficiently, completing cleaning tasks in a fraction of the time it might take someone less experienced. Outsourcing this task allows you and your staff to focus on what you do best - serving your guests. 

Access to Advanced Cleaning Methods and Solutions

One of the standout benefits of professional cleaning services is their access to advanced cleaning technologies and solutions. These include high-grade steam cleaners, powerful extraction machines for carpets, and eco-friendly cleaning agents. 

By outsourcing cleaning services, restaurant owners can also avoid the need to store bulky equipment on-site, saving valuable space that can be better utilized for customer seating or additional kitchen facilities. This not only simplifies operations but also ensures the use of the latest cleaning technology without the overhead of ownership.

Keeping Your Floors Up to Code

Clean floors are essential for passing health inspections and preventing accidents. Adhere to these practices to enhance health, safety, and compliance:

  • Use color-coded mops and buckets to prevent cross-contamination between kitchen and dining areas.
  • Conduct regular training sessions for staff on proper cleaning techniques and safety measures.
  • Install adequate lighting to ensure all spills and debris are easily visible for prompt cleanup.
  • Use environmentally friendly cleaning products to protect both employees and customers from harsh chemicals.
  • Develop a maintenance schedule for floor care equipment to ensure optimal cleaning efficiency.
  • Keep a log of cleaning activities to track adherence to health codes and identify areas for improvement.
  • Display safety signage prominently during and immediately after floor cleaning to alert customers and staff.
  • Perform routine inspections to identify potential slip hazards or areas needing more frequent cleaning.
  • Engage with health inspectors proactively to understand expectations and receive updates on codes and regulations.

Contact COIT for a professional cleaning!

FAQs and Expert Tips

How often should floors be cleaned in a restaurant?

Daily cleaning is a must to tackle the day's dirt and spills, with deep cleaning schedules varying based on floor type and restaurant traffic. It's not just about aesthetics—regular cleaning prevents hazards and maintains a hygienic environment.

What is the sequence for cleaning floors in a restaurant?

Always start with sweeping to remove loose debris, followed by mopping for a thorough clean. This method ensures that you're not just pushing dirt around and that the floor gets properly sanitized.

Do floors need to be sanitized?

Absolutely. Sanitizing floors, particularly in areas where food is prepared and served, is crucial for eliminating bacteria and viruses, and protects both staff and patrons from potential health risks.

What is the ideal time for mopping the restaurant floors?

Mopping should ideally be done after hours or during the least busy times to allow the floors to dry fully and to reduce the risk of slip-and-fall accidents. Proper timing also ensures that cleaning doesn't interfere with your guests' experience.


Maintaining clean floors in your restaurant is essential for staff and customer safety, compliance, and satisfaction. 

COIT's professional floor cleaning services can take this burden off your shoulders, ensuring your floors are always welcoming and safe. Learn more about COIT commercial floor cleaning services and give your patrons the clean, safe dining environment they deserve.

Schedule a commercial deep clean for your restaurant with COIT today. 

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